Monday, October 12, 2009

The Day I took It seriously ..

It was a far gusty mellow night when I started pondering over the question whether to take research as a profession or not .. it was as simple as it looked but was as tough as it could be . Until I was inspired by Newton , Galielio , Einstein and nevertheless my greatest Thomas Alva Edison . I wanted to explore as a biologist and as a researcher about the earth and its components and the precipitation about the materials . How to carry this thought in a single frame of mind was a big task and I started taking it seriously . My teachers and professors have been a great factor to an extent but I feel my zigour and desire to research and explore has made me more curious . This is as simple as a thought but if transformed into action can do many things very consciously . So people this is a simple story I am beginning to wright on net and hope the next editions will let u explore more about Science and myself .
Till then Cyaa .
Pallav Goel .

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